Table Rock Dam and Intake Structure
Cleveland, SC
Table Rock Intake project required pinpoint accuracy and was a
technically complex project involving the construction of a new water
intake structure capable of supplying 35 MGD. The project involved
working off a specially designed barge platform that extended over
250’ into the lake. Crowder provided and installed two new screens
with a backwash system at the Table Rock Reservoir. The project also
included: an 8.5-foot-Diameter Shaft (102’ deep), a 4-foot-Diameter
Tunnel (480’ long), 42” Carrier Pipe, Passive Wedge Screens, a
Brick/Block Compressor Building, a 42’ Deep Excavation for Tunnel
Pit, Grouted Riprap Protection at Spillway Plunge Pool, and other
Miscellaneous Site Improvements. This project was completed with zero
lost-time injuries and no environmental impacts. The success of the
Table Rock Intake project resulted in winning the 2005 Carolina’s
AGC Pinnacle Award for “Best Utility Project” and the National
AGC Marvin M. Black “Excellence in Partnering Award.”